
Sea Freight Service
Our team of licensed custom brokers are available to meet your sea freight demands. Feel free to contact us at any time for a ‘one on one’ consultation on the best way to have your packages and large shipments cross the Atlantic Ocean to our local shipping ports enabling them to embark on that journey to your first touch.
Air Freight Service
Our Air Freight Service is fast and efficient. We prepare your shipment immediately to ensure speedy clearance and delivery to a location of your choosing. Our professional management service, we will handle all customs processes from origin to final destination. We handle all Custom documentation and package processing at the Air Port.

Courier Service
We are the most convenient shipping service available in the local market; this is because we ensure that your packages delivered at your will, comfort and ease. We encourage you to feel confident that from point of receipt at our warehouse overseas to the point of delivery in your hands we will be there to assist at every stage of your package’s transit.